Anti-Social Behaviour Policy
Updated: September 2022
Colets has a Zero Tolerance policy for anti-social behaviour towards its staff, Colets members and its affiliates. Any acts of violence, intimidation or aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated and will result in the immediate termination of the membership. Furthermore there will be no entitlement to any refund of fees already paid.
Definitions of anti-social behaviour that will result in immediate termination of a membership include, but are not limited to:
• Any physical violence towards any member of staff, member of Colets or Colets affiliate, including pushing, shoving and attempts to assault
• Offensive or abusive language, verbal abuse, swearing including specific references to homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, race or any form of sexual harassment (whether aimed at or conducted by either member or staff)
• Brandishing of objects and weapons
• Threats or risk of serious injury to member of staff, member or Colets affiliate
• Alcohol or drug fuelled abuse
• Any of the above which is linked to destruction of or damage to property
The behaviours set out above can be either in person, by telephone, letter or email or in other forms such as graffiti. This policy applies throughout our premises, including our car park and grounds. It also applies to any employee or staff member away from the premises but only in so far as it relates to the business of the company.
Definitions of anti-social behaviour towards any member of staff, member of Colets or Colets affiliate that will result in the issue of a written warning include, but are not limited to:
• Aggressive dropping or slamming of weights or any equipment in the club or its grounds
• Spitting or any form of deliberate unhygienic behaviour
• Invasion of personal space including un solicitated attention or abusive remarks
• Unreasonable behaviour and non-cooperation such as repeated disregard of company policies
If a second incidence occurs then we reserve the right to terminate your membership, furthermore you will not be entitled to any refund.